Out West by Lewis French
My name is Lewis and I'm a surf / ocean / lifestyle photographer based in South West Australia. I'm 17 years old and have been doing photography now for 3 years. My goal is to capture both artistic and death defying images of perfect waves and moments while travelling around on surf adventures with my best mates who surf on the Surfing WA state circuit. Hopefully people see my images and get an insight into the magnificent culture behind surfing around all corners of the globe.
My Submission is a collection of the more artistic side of my surf lifestyle photography. It encompasses a range of images which sums up the way I view life, in the most simple way possible. I believe this simple way of living is what draws me to the ocean as that is where my most memorable times have been. These images are from road trips I have been on around the Margaret River Region of Western Australia. My submission ultimately sums up how I would like people to view surfing as a culture, rich with good vibes, memories and friendships.